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Orthovision's Comprehensive Functional Visual Assessment for adults and Developmental Visual Cognitive Assessment for children evaluate functional vision, including perceptual skills, sensory connections and INPP screening which provides insights into overall development, guiding personalised therapy recommendations.


Specialied services for learning difficulties linked to functional vision. Our holistic approach covers key neuro-developmental areas, including vision, postural/retained reflexes, and hearing, for comprehensive solutions and optimal cognitive development.


After a thorough visual assessment, we tailor a personalised orthoptic program, with a 15-days (one block) in-house training option often covered by insurance.

Vision Therapy

Primitive Reflexes is designed to address challenges related to Neuro-Developmental Immaturity or Neuro-Developmental Delay.  Developed by the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, our approach is tailored to effectively tackle these difficulties.

Primitive Reflexes

Our Services

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