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May 22, 20171 min read
The words are moving in different directions when I'm reading
That is what a boy said during the assessment of his functional vision at Orthovision. He said that this was making him tired and he...
Mar 13, 20172 min read
So happy when you are happy!
We just received a lovely feedback from one of our clients today and are delighted to share it with you. It always makes us very proud...
Mar 3, 20172 min read
Mummy, this is how I was seeing faces
This is the story about a girl who came to me with a very bad out-drift (divergent strabismus) of her left eye. At the first visit she...
Feb 17, 20171 min read
Why is your child closing one eye?
Some parents find it cute when their child closes one eye. Very often that is not as cute as parents think, as it could be a symptom of...
Nov 9, 20161 min read
What are the primitive reflexes and why do we need them?
Everyone is born with a set of primitive reflexes in order to go through the early years of life, particularly the first year. Primitive...
Jul 30, 20161 min read
A fantastic overview of visual challenges by Cameron McCrodan on TEDxVictoria
While looking for some additional information and videos to share with our clients and friends (YOU!) we came across this fantastic TEDx...
Jul 16, 20162 min read
Visual Stressors - Keep an eye out for them
Today, we want to give you some guidelines on which situations that make it difficult for your eyes to perform you should try to avoid....
Jul 2, 20165 min read
Go Outdoors To Avoid Myopia
Below you can find an extract of an article published in June 2015 in the Straits Times about the importance of outdoor playtime. It has...
Apr 27, 20161 min read
How would YOU behave if your functional vision was challenging you?
Having just seen this video we would like to share it with you. They put teachers to the test: what would you do if you eyes did not send...
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