Vision in time of COVID-19
Concussion: Visual Link to Recovery as seen from Parents
My impression as a Psychologist Intern
Screen Time - Not All The Time!
Studying: are printed books better than digital books?
A testimonial about INPP
TED Talks & ADHD
Influence of diet on ADHD
Better Handwriting Thanks to Stress Balls?!
The words are moving in different directions when I'm reading
So happy when you are happy!
The Association between Near Work Activities and Myopia in Children—A Systematic Review and Meta-Ana
Mummy, this is how I was seeing faces
What too much screen time does to the eyes
Why is your child closing one eye?
What are the primitive reflexes and why do we need them?
Brain Plasticity & Perceptual Learning
School via Computer - the way forward?
Visual Stressors - Keep an eye out for them
Go Outdoors To Avoid Myopia